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Vaccines VVD Thursday
Rabies $28.00 $24.00
Bordetella $35.00 $30.00
DHLPP/DHPP $35.00 $30.00
Leptospirosis $35.00 $30.00
Feline Leukemia $42.00 $38.00
FVRCP $35.00 $30.00
Influenza Bivalent $52.00 $47.00
Feline Neuter $140.00
Feline Spay $230.00
K9 Neuter K9 Spay
$315.00 2-24.9lbs $380.00
$325.00 25-39.9lbs $405.00
$360.00 40-59.9lbs $460.00
$370.00 60-79.9lbs $520.00
$410.00 80-99.9lbs $575.00
$435.00 over 100lbs $630.00

Daily specials
Monday Microchips $20.00 (reg. price $33)
Tuesday Nail Trims ($15 for cats, reg. price $20) ($20 for dogs, reg. price $30)
Wednesday 10% off Blood Work & Radiographs
Thursday Vaccine Value Day (each vaccine is about $5 off)
Friday 30% off FeLV/FIV Tests, & Disc. Anal Sac Express ($19.50, reg. Price is $26.50)

General Health Exam $62.50
Gold Paw Member Exam $45.00
Dental price is unique to each patient and oral health will need to be examined before providing an estimate.
*these are STARTING prices and they can change based on options on anesthetic consent form.
Prices subject to change without notice. Updated 12/12/2024